Partner with IFTF

IFTF Vantage: A Partnership of Future-Ready Organizations
“Future-ready organizations bring foresight and imagination together
to see opportunity where none existed before.”
—Rod Falcon, IFTF Vantage Co-Director
Future-ready organizations think differently about time and scale. They work with visionary futures on a ten-year horizon. They identify opportunities for innovation and capacity-building that propel the organization forward. With the ability to reimagine their products, services, and experiences in a changing marketplace, and even their organization itself, they are able to meet the future at different scales. They consider larger systems and urgent futures—the climate crisis, the rise of disinformation, income inequality, and the need for belonging.
Future-ready organizations do more than anticipate change; they combine foresight and imagination to find opportunities where none existed before. Their focus is on how to leverage this moment to transform their organization for the better.
Prepare now with strategic foresight and tools for lasting transformation from IFTF Vantage.
Learn more in the brochure.
2022-2032 | The Decisive Decade: The Reevaluation of Everything
We are entering a period of rapid adaptation coupled with long-term instability. This instability is coming from all directions: the climate crisis, the ongoing struggle to manage and tame the pandemic, organizational and geopolitical uncertainty, and increasingly urgent calls to address long-standing systemic inequities. We are being challenged to radically rethink everything: our business models, metrics and incentives, our use of technology, and even the nature of growth itself.
At the same time, the near future offers remarkable opportunities for experimentation. Prior to the pandemic, a growing group of business and political leaders, as well as increasingly large numbers of younger people, were already advocating a move toward more sustainable growth. The pandemic and recent events have accelerated efforts to address these issues. It’s not enough to keep doing things the same way. We must do better.
We aren’t just reevaluating what we value but also how we live and work. In the aftermath of the pandemic, families and individuals are reevaluating careers, reordering schedules, and reconsidering basic consumption habits and life trajectories. In reevaluating our relationship to place we will transform our homes, offices, stores, and communities, and open up new ways of living, connecting, learning, and earning.
Each year, IFTF Vantage examines an urgent future in depth—one that crosses the boundaries of markets and sectors, of for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. This year, we’ll be examining how our shifting values and evolving relationship to place are creating opportunities to redefine what is meaningful and lay the new foundations of sustainable and equitable growth needed to face a decisive decade of relentless instability, dynamic adaptation and endless possibility.
Our goal is to help you create future-ready organizations to capture the opportunities and meet the challenges of the next decade.
IFTF Vantage partners receive:
Annual Map of the Decade Research + Summit: A set of critical forecasts looking 10 years out
Our annual Map of the Decade summit and research bundle supports your horizon scanning with reports and resources designed to help you build foresight capacity, derive strategic insight, and act now to become ready for the decade ahead. Each immersive summit emphasizes how you can help your organization prepare for what’s to come.
IFTF Vantage Point: A community strategic foresight hub for partner organizations
Access to our vast foresight research resources with prioritized, year-round access to exclusive, frequently-updated futures intelligence and insights via our partner-only online community, where IFTF Vantage partners can build a comprehensive view of the future forces directly affecting their organizations.
IFTF Future Factors: An emerging
signals platformSignals-driven planning and a powerful network, this exclusive collaborative forecasting platform combines a rich trove of real-time signals-scanning with a moderated futures thinking community to help you navigate market volatility and develop future-ready strategies.
IFTF Foresight Guide: A dedicated expert
Your Foresight Guide is an IFTF researcher who brings trend-tracking expertise to develop your strategic priorities. This valuable adviser helps you navigate and optimize the partnership’s robust offerings.
Ongoing Research: A series of webinars and tutorials on strategic foresight
With priority year-round access, IFTF Vantage partners receive early access to all of IFTF’s cross-disciplinary research releases, and opportunities to engage with the experts on those topics in community forums such as the Ask a Futurist webinar series.
IFTF Vantage:
Transform valuable foresight into actionable insight.
Organizations that thrive in the future will be those that foresee game-changing threats and counterintuitive opportunities to lead. Your investment in IFTF Vantage means an alliance that uniquely equips you to translate opportunities and imperatives into actions. By partnering with IFTF, you’ll be preparing yourself and your organization for the future.
Partner with IFTF for 2022 and beyond!
For more information about partnering with IFTF Vantage, please complete an information request form or reach out directly to:
John Clamme | | 650.233.9566