Design Futures Training Agenda

In this introductory session, we will dive right into Design Futures with a framework that we’ll be using throughout the course—IFTF’s Design Your Project Tool. In this session, you’ll meet your fellow participants, and will have time with the group with whom you’ll be working for the remainder of the course. You’ll use the Design Your Project tool to hone in on a project idea that will frame your experiential learning (with hands-on guidance from your instructors).
Today’s session will focus on the fundamentals of Design Futures, with a lecture to situate ourselves in the field. We’ll also learn the two tools from the Prepare section of the Design Futures toolkit, with breakout sessions within small groups and learning pairs to practice the tools and apply them to your projects.
- Homework: Find a signal to analyze and share (20 mins); watch Alt Futures lecture (13 mins)
Today we will practice making our futures come alive. We will cover both the Explore and Experience sections of the toolkit, where we learn the fundamentals of worldbuilding and storytelling (Explore), and then put these concepts into practice as we create a scene and learn how to create artifacts from the future (Experience). While today's class will be mostly focused on learning and practicing these tools, we'll also have a lecture on the principles of design: tips and tricks from practitioners.
- Homework: Create an artifact from the future (60 mins); optional session with your learning partner to share your artifacts (30 mins)
In today's session, participants will learn about Systems Mythology, a framework for understanding and communicating the meaning behind the design of the new systems we are building. We'll then learn the final tool from the Execute section of our toolkit: Futuring a New Offering. During today's session, participants will also present their final project with feedback from IFTF facilitators.
- Homework: Apply the Design Your Project template to your own work (60 mins)
In our final session, participants will work in small groups, alongside an experienced IFTF practitioner, to share and workshop their personal projects. We'll discuss when and how the tools we've learned throughout the course are best applied and best combined. We end with our expert facilitators sharing from their own experiences, giving concrete and inspiring examples of Design Futures projects.
OCT 13-14, 2022 | 2 days | In-Person
Day 1: Thu, Oct 13 | 9am-5pm
Day 2: Fri, Oct 14 | 9am-5pm
MAY 2-16, 2023 | 5 sessions | Live-Online
Session 1: Tue, May 2 | 8am-9:30am PDT | 11am-12:30pm EDT | 5-6:30pm CEST
Session 2: Thu, May 4 | 8am-12pm PDT | 11am-3pm EDT | 5-9pm CEST
Session 3: Tue, May 9 | 8am-12pm PDT | 11am-3pm EDT | 5-9pm CEST
Session 4: Thu, May 11 | 8am-12pm PDT | 11am-3pm EDT | 5-9pm CEST
Session 5: Tue, May 16 | 8am-12pm PDT | 11am-3pm EDT | 5-9pm CEST