COVID-19 Policy

Institute for the Future: COVID-19 Vaccine Policy
Consistent with a duty to provide and maintain a workplace that is free of recognized
hazards, Institute for the Future’s (IFTF) COVID-19 vaccine policy is to safeguard the
health and well-being of employees; our clients, sponsors, and visitors; others who
spend time in our facilities; and the community from infectious conditions that may be
mitigated through an effective vaccination program and safety protocols.
This policy is based upon guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and public health and licensing authorities, as applicable, and may
be revised as updated guidance becomes available.
Institute for the Future requires all employees, independent contractors, or
visitors to our Palo Alto, CA offices to be up to date with their COVID-19
vaccination (must have received all recommended doses in the primary
series and one booster when eligible).
To be inside IFTF’s Palo Alto offices all visitors:
- Must have a health screening before entry and provide identification in the form
of a picture I.D. and proof of vaccination (acceptable forms are original vaccine card,
a photograph and or a printed copy of the vaccine card, or have the State of CA
Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record QR code). - Wear an approved face covering and follow all safety protocols, such as social
distancing and hand washing, at all times.
Rev. April 2022