Global Youth Skills Toolkit
Work+learn paths for future-ready youth
Not so long ago, a young person might have aspired to become a farmer or fireman, a doctor or a lawyer. Education was all about learning the basics to do those jobs and then turning those basics into a lifelong career.
Today, young people—maybe young people like you—have a wider lens on life. You know the world of work is changing fast. Lifelong careers seem uncertain at best, and maybe not even all that attractive when life is so full of options and opportunities.
The Global Youth Skills toolkit is your guide to this future. The toolkit is based on the lives of 60 real people in six cities around the world: Austin, Berlin, Chongqing, Jeddah, Lagos, and Mexico City. These young people, aged 16 to 30, come from all walks of life and are paving the way to the future with a variety of skills, strategies and learning resources that reach way beyond tradition schools, universities, and workplaces. You can use their experience to
Explore nine archetypes of working and learning in the future: stories of possible paths that can help you plot your own future.
A Youth Guide that helps you explore your own personal peak performance zones, test your readiness against a checklist of future-ready patterns, and learn from the 2030 archetypes.
An Innovators Guide for entrepreneurs and investors, educators and policy makers to jump-start a new generation of learning and working.
Want to take a deeper dive into the research? You can download the complete Global Youth Skills report and discover 24 work+learn paths that point to the future in 6 very different cities around the world. Discover the distinctive strategies of young people in each of these cities as well as the things they have in common. And explore the spectrums of skill that young people will need five peak performance zones in 2030.
Host a Global Youth Skills “futureshop” for innovators in your organization
How can you use the landmark Global Youth Skills study to help today’s young people build their work+learn futures? Building on the toolkit and Innovators Guide, you can jumpstart innovative thinking in your organization or community with a custom “futureshop.” This facilitated workshop will help you and your te
- Build your future-readiness for world of working and learning that’s changing rapidly
- Align your team’s goals with the work+learn paths already emerging around the world
- Discover new opportunities for work+learn services
- Combine futures and design thinking to prototype new initiatives
- Set future-focused priorities for the next 1-3 years
To launch your futureshop today, contact Sean Ness [email protected] or Parminder Jassal [email protected].
The 9 Archetypes
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John Clamme | [email protected]