Partner with IFTF

From Carbon Neutral to Climate Positive
Jump-Start Your Climate-Positive Strategy
The decisions we make to address the climate crisis now are critical to our long-term futures. Organizations of all kinds must act urgently *and* proactively across much longer time horizons in order to build climate-positive organizations. Ignoring the climate crisis is no longer an option. Even if we could flip a switch and stop all carbon emissions *right now* we would still have decades of worsening climate conditions ahead.
A suite of new climate strategy offerings, IFTF Climate+ extracts the riches from our climate-positive forecasts to help your organization identify opportunities for reducing its carbon footprint. Choose from a single workshop or a combination! Offerings include:
Roadmap for Organizational Transformation (half-day workshop)
Provide your team with what you need to create a structured framework to define a shared perspective on being climate-positive, whether you are just starting out or already have climate plans in place.Ecosystem Opportunities Development (one-, two-, or three-day workshop)
Get a clear view of the current state of climate-positive organizations, as well as the future ecosystem for your specific industry or region. This workshop goes beyond your organization's climate-readiness, and looks to provide opportunities to collaborate and lead within your industry or region.Climate-Positive Organizational Transition Plan (one-year engagement)
Help your organization become future-ready for the emerging climate crisis with this structured approach. Together we’ll identify the steps required to achieve your climate-positive goals. Your plan can help you discover new opportunities, create new products and services, and conceive new forms of work.
Why Institute for the Future?
Institute for the Future (IFTF) is the world’s leading futures organization. Its signature program, IFTF Vantage, is a unique partnership of innovative global leaders that harnesses over 50 years of IFTF global forecasts and pioneering research to navigate volatility, identify emerging imperatives and opportunities, and develop world-ready strategies. IFTF Vantage partners represent businesses, governments, and social impact organizations from around the world that require the most comprehensive view of future forces directly affecting their organizations.