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Liisa Välikangas
Research Affiliate
Dr. Liisa Välikangas is a Research Affiliate at IFTF where she contributes to turning futures ideas into actionable strategies. In addition, Liisa teaches innovation management at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland. She is a co-founder of Innovation Democracy, Inc., a nonprofit that supports innovative entrepreneurship in extreme environments.
Previously, Liisa was a research director at Strategos and Woodside Institute, and she has worked for IMD in Switzerland, Keio University in Japan, London Business School, SRI International and Stanford University in Northern California. The Academy of Management awarded her the Best Action Research Paper prize in 2009 in Organizational Change and Development division. She regularly gives talks to executive audiences about innovation management, organizational resilience and strategy development. She is on the Board of Tekes, the Finnish technology and innovation agency, Sanoma Foundation, and SCANCOR (the Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research at Stanford University). Liisa is the author of The Resilient Organization, How Adaptive Cultures Thrive Even When Strategy Fails, published by McGraw-Hill, 2010.
To contact Prof. Välikangas, please write to LValikangas@affiliates.iftf.org or call IFTF at 1-650-854-6322.