What We Do
Van Ton-Quinlivan
Executive in Residence
Twitter at @WorkforceVan, profile on LinkedIn, posts on Medium
Van Ton-Quinlivan is on special assignment from the California Community Colleges as executive in residence at the Institute during the Fall of 2018. Van Ton-Quinlivan is a nationally recognized thought leader in workforce development with a proven track record for implementing large organizational change. As Executive Vice Chancellor of Workforce and Digital Futures, she oversees the California Community College’s workforce mission and its technology and data portfolio. Her responsibilities have grown from an initial $100M to now over $1B in public investment across California’s 114 community colleges, the largest and most complex higher education system in the nation. Her leadership priorities include delivering a skilled workforce to fuel California’s regional economies in ways that further social mobility and positioning the system and its students for the future through greater use of technology and data science.
She was appointed by the Governor to the California Community Colleges in 2011 as Vice Chancellor of Workforce and Economic Development. Her leadership focus on Doing What MATTERS for Jobs and the Economy (doingwhatMATTERS.cccco.edu) turned the system’s workforce mission from an afterthought to a state policy priority, improving workforce outcomes for California’s 2.1 million community college students.