The Reciprocity Advantage

The Reciprocity Advantage
New book from IFTF's Bob Johansen now available
Bob Johansen, best-selling author and Distinguished Fellow at IFTF, partnered with innovation expert Karl Ronn to uncover what they believe will be the biggest innovation opportunity in history in their new book, The Reciprocity Advantage: A New Way to Partner for Innovation and Growth.
Through illustrative examples from leading organizations and an eye to the future, Johansen and Ronn present a four-part model that shows how organizations can give away assets to form partnerships, leading to collaborative experimentation and scalable new business opportunities.
Johansen and Ronn explain that reciprocity, an old concept, will be reimagined within a future context of connective technologies, generational shifts, and new organizational models to provide a distinct competitive advantage. To win in this world, businesses will need to (1) uncover their right-of-way, the underutilized resources they already own that they can share with others; (2) find partners who can help them do what they cannot do alone; (3) experiment to learn through cloud-based systems; and (4) scale the results, but only when the business’ reciprocity advantage is desirable, viable, and ownable. If it’s not scalable, it’s not worth doing—and the authors describe technologies that make scaling up faster than ever.
The Reciprocity Advantage is a must-read for current and rising-star leaders who are ready to disrupt their industry through radical collaboration, creating greater value for a greater number of people along the way.
About the authors
Bob Johansen is a distinguished fellow at the Institute for the Future in Silicon Valley, where he helps top leaders around the world prepare for and shape the future. He works with corporations such as McKinsey, Tesco, UPS, Kellogg, Disney, and McDonald’s—as well as major universities and nonprofits. This is Bob’s ninth book.
Karl Ronn is the managing director of Innovation Portfolio Partners. Previously, he was vice president of Research and Development and general manager of New Business for Procter & Gamble, where he was one of the key innovators behind Febreze, Swiffer, and Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
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More information
For information about bulk orders of the book or working with Bob Johansen, please contact Jeremy Kirshbaum (