2012 Interns' Interactive Map of the Decade

Interactive Map of the Decade: Summer Interns 2012
This summer, the IFTF interns Alex, Dee, Eric, Sarah, and Sri designed a Map of the Decade as their final group project.
Built into Google Earth, the map illustrates what 2022 might look like in a small American city based on four different scenarios: Growth, Constraint, Collapse, and Transformation. Big Data and Climate Change are the main drivers in these worlds. Each intern explored one of 5 content focus areas - Health, Food, Education, Development, and Mobile Technology. The full text for each of these scenarios is contained in the pages below.
Or, to experience the map firsthand click on the link below to download the Google Earth .KMZ file.
Publication Date
Once you have opened the .KMZ file in Google Earth, a file called "temporary places" will appear in the top left navigation bar. Check that box to activate all of the alternative scenario worlds. Fixed ‘destinations’ on each scenario are clickable, opening descriptive textboxes. Each forecast contains roughly 20 destinations that will guide you through the story of people living in these worlds. To reduce the clutter, uncheck everything in the "Layers" section of the left navigation bar (i.e. borders and labels, places, photos, etc.)
Have Fun!
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