The Consumer-Driven Organization
Strategies for Transformation
The consumer-driven organization—an organization that fully utilizes consumer data as a strategic asset—will set the criteria for success in the marketplace over the next decade. Successful consumer-driven organizations will take advantage of two significant and intersecting trends. The first trend is the growing sophistication of the new consumer and her ability to manage information as a resource in her interactions with business. The new consumer is an active and sophisticated consumer—one who uses new technologies and new forms of interaction to take action in the marketplace. The second trend is the continued development and adoption of information and communications technologies by businesses. New forms of gathering, integrating, and displaying information will provide new pathways to the consumer and new channels for interaction. Together, these two trends challenge traditional business supply chains and the role of the consumer in the business-consumer relationship.
The consumer-driven organization of 2012 will understand how active and sophisticated consumers use and value information as a resource to support interactions with business. Business winners in 2012 will have developed core processes that listen and respond to the savvy consumer and respect the consumer’s expanded role in the business-consumer relationship.
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