What We Do
Mike Liebhold
Distinguished Fellow / Senior Technology Researcher
Mike is a Distinguished Fellow and senior researcher in IFTF's Technology Futures Lab interpreting technological underpinnings of tomorrow’s world, including whole systems, data networks, immersive media, spatial and contextual computing, working with clients, global leaders and researchers, and public groups like HHS, DARPA, the FCC, Congress and the White House exploring futures of video and spatial computing, personal information ecosystems, health information systems, and cybersecurity. Recently Mike led a short study on computing game technologies in 2030, and launched and co-lead a 2 year long project forecasting global forces and alternative scenarios shaping the future in 2020 - 2040 and most recently led a technical expert workshop on technologies and policies for a hyperconnected world in 2030.
Mike is a pioneer and veteran with decades of experience as a Senior Researcher for iconic companies like Atari, Apple, Netscape, Intel. Mike is a frequent speaker and commentator on the futures of technologies, and has authored a number of papers for IFTF publications and elsewhere.