Future Now
The IFTF Blog
X2 in Europe
One of the Institute for the Future's most powerful research tools is the expert workshop-- events in which a cross-section of experts spend a day brainstorming, creating maps of the future, and developing scenarios that look in depth at possible futures and our responses to them. The Institute has been organizing workshops for years, and has built up a tremendous store of both practical and tacit knowledge around them; and in addition to their being useful research tools, they're a great excuse to spend time with very interesting people.
The X2 project has been organizing workshops in Asia this spring-- I was just in Malaysia and Singapore, and we're going to Korea, China, India, and other places later this year. Now we're setting our sights on Europe.
Specifically, we're setting up some workshops for the last week of June and beginning of July (the 30th through the 4th). We're going to be in Budapest and Vienna that week; I'm also going to a conference at Oxford University the week of the 23rd, and may try to organize a small workshop while I'm there. (I love Oxford, so any excuse to spend time there is welcome.)
Our workshops are pretty carefully organized, but if there are readers in those cities who would be interested in finding out more about the workshops, contact me at apang at iftf dot org.
The other thing I try to do on these trips is visit research labs, science parks, universities, or other places where innovative scientific things (or innovative things more generally) are happening. So if you work someplace interesting, and can put up with someone asking lots of elementary, intrusive questions and taking lots of pictures, contact me.