Future Now
The IFTF Blog
This past month Jake Dunagan and I started a series of posts over on GOOD magazine's website. The posts focus on both explaining what Futures thinking is to an intellectually and practically engaged audience, and on provoking thought about some of the major systemic challenges our society will be facing over the coming decades.
Last week Jake wrote a great post about the Future of Government. In Jake's words:
I’m not interested in forecasting what party will win the next election, but rather in how we will prioritize what matters in the world, and how we will organize ourselves in the coming decades in order to create favorable conditions for fairness, happiness, and sustainability at a global scale. The big stuff.
This week I tackle the Future of Cities and Transportation, and discuss a central difficulty inherent in all futures thinking, namely that "While we are engineering solutions to current problems, we should also make sure that our cities are being designed for long-term resilience."
Stay tuned for upcoming posts, and make sure you check out some more of the thought provoking writing of GOOD!