Future Now
The IFTF Blog
Engagement Economy
"The next ten years are almost certain to see exponential growth in all kinds of participation networks powered (and hopefully made pro?table) by crowds. Every kind of group imaginable—corporate, start-up, research, not-for-pro?t, grassroots, entertainment, media, and artist—is taking part in the massively collaborative movement.
While their goals vary from scienti?c to civic, social to promotional, all of these projects share a common operating model. They are seeking to create robust, large-scale communities capable of collectively producing valuable data, ideas, or content. That output will be shared, applied, leveraged or monetized, but only if—and this is a very important if—the community becomes large and active enough to produce something new and different."
Game designer Jane McGonigal illuminates the new Engagement Economy in the latest IFTF report available for download here!