Future Now
The IFTF Blog
Toorcamp is a social technology event populated by hackers and makers, held at Neah Bay in Washington state. I am writing from the fog covered...
On the weekend of July 30th, 2011, 20,000 spectators turned up for an event held in the Anaheim Convention Center. This was no sporting event, at...
I'm a fan of technology that gives people more latitude in their social and physical relationships. We live in societies (and environments) laced with...
My latest Fast CoExist piece is up and it looks at the challenge of thinking about how to use practices around sharing to rebalance a global food...
Not long ago, I wanted to consider how we could provide better tools for foresight, insight and action for individual people to use in their everyday...
“Why is it so hard to break out of cycles of violence?” This is the question Tessa has been thinking about since she was a child. While it may seem...
The Guardian has a great interview with a Scottish professor named Lee Cronin who is working on developing a system to create pharmaceuticals through...
Bob Johansen recently published the second edition of Leaders Make the Future. In the book, Bob presents an expansive ten-year forecast about the key...
One of the big stories we highlighted in last year's Ecosystems of Well-Being Map centered around participatory health, and it stems from a set of...
File this under the category of things that probably shouldn't be medical problems: Computer Eyes. What are computer eyes? They're what happens when...
About a month ago, I received several negative comments through Twitter about a blog post on the idea that people are beginning to threaten themselves...
As part of our Ecosystems of Well-Being map last year, we argued that the increasing importance, as well as the increasingly confusing challenge, of...
Watch the webcast of Marina Gorbis on Rewind with Matt Miller, originally aired June 25th, discussing the evolution of the workforce in the era of...
Recalls have made people more suspicious of food safety while a diabetes epidemic has led many to reconsider what kinds of food they eat. Increasing...
Want to know if your son ate his vegetables? Now, based on the work of some Yale researchers, you may be able to figure out what your child, or anyone...
The Japanese people are longer-lived and healthier than Americans. Currently, that information does more to sell diet books than influence policy or...
By the year 2020, it’s estimated we’ll have 45 times more data than we had at the beginning of this decade—an explosion of information that is often...
“The social sciences deal with humanity’s most pressing problems, but there are barriers between practitioners and the public. We must restructure...
Can the U.S. Navy be resourceful with fewer resources? The Navy invited the public to play energyMMOWGLI the week of May 22nd to share ideas for how...
Don’t miss your opportunity to join us in Palo Alto on June 12th at noon for lunch and a book signing with Dan Ariely!Space is limited and...
Recent news around the Stuxnet computer virus and Kapersky Lab's discovery of the Flame spyware have heightened public conversations Internet...
The field of network science continues to find new data sets for exploring technology, economics, biological systems, and social relationships. Two...