Future Now
The IFTF Blog
The new speciality of neuroeconomics is generating lots of interesting results for economists; I've sometimes wondered if we might one day get a much...
A few weeks ago I saw an estimate by Russel Seitz of how much cyberspace weighs. (Two ounces, if you're interested.) Now, Nick Carr (author of Does IT...
I'm in California this week for a bunch of internal workshops at the Institute, and having loads of fun running around the Valley. Last night I went...
A gratifying little linkback to Future Now, the general blog on technology and society, in a Paul Boutin article about Google Docs:...
A number of us at the Institute have spent the last 18 months working on a project for the British government on the future of science and...
Earlier this year, Google paid over $1.6 billion to acquire the video sharing service YouTube. The 18 month-old startup had just over sixty employees,...
Earlier this year, search engine giant Google paid over $1.6 billion to acquire the video sharing service YouTube. The 18 month-old startup had just...
A few weeks ago I saw an estimate by Russel Seitz of how much cyberspace weighs. (Two ounces, if you're interested.) Now, Nick Carr (author of Does IT...
"Some interesting trend data points from the NY Times Magazine's 6th Annual Year in Ideas issue:Invisible surveillance aircraftSensor-enabled...
"via SmartMobs, An article at Xinhua Online states some new numbers for Chinese bloggers:
We had a demo today of Cisco's new Telepresence videoconferencing solution today. I was in Cisco's office in New York with old NYCwireless...
Scenarios about intelligent transportation are part of the futurists' stock in trade. Most of them talk about putting electronics in roadways, AI in...
Good notes from Stewart Brand on The Long Now Foundation's talk last Friday on Second Life:...
Somehow I stumbled on the new Law and Technology Blog this afternoon. It looks very promising:
Following up on my end of cyberspace article: Russell Seitz offers a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the weight of cyberspace:...
The Ottawa Citizen recently ran a piece (which I discovered via Science Library Pad) on the dangers of incrementalism in scientific research--...
"Xerox is developing a new printing technology that enables copier paper to be reused. Thanks to some innovative chemistry, the paper self-erases in...
I live in a city ruled by a man who made a fortune recently estimated worth $20 billion by easing the flow of financial information about businesses....
Recently I spent a couple days in Oxford, at the James Martin Center for Science and Civilization, and the Martin 21st Century School. My sense is...
Synthetic biology researchers at MIT have engineered the periwinkle plant to spew out new compounds that could eventually be used in pharmaceuticals....
"I just came across this story in the India Daily from a month ago, which seemed appropriate with the long zoom message from our recent...
We've been looking at lightweight infrastructures, and now are following how those infrastructures play out in favelas and other urban squatter...
The concept of zones of instability" serves as a framework for technology adoption. We're focused on eight (interdependent, interrelated) dimensions...