The Future of Persuasion
Why “Persuasion” Can’t be a Dirty Word
We're pleased to release IFTF's Future of Persuasion report. This report journeys through the future of persuasion, looking at “forces of persuasion”—the core drivers of change in how we will both 1) be persuaded, and 2) persuade others—along with related strategies for designing more persuasive experiences and defending against unwanted kinds of persuasion. Our report also explores the combinations of technologies that will provide the foundation for these changes, and introduces you to some of the practitioners and researchers who are developing this future.
The new forces, technologies, and applications of persuasion presented in this report suggest a range of scenarios for the future development of persuasion, with a range of social and economic impacts. More important, however, is the dynamic between the two sides of persuasion: persuading and being persuaded. It is perhaps this dynamic—sometimes in harmony and sometimes in conflict—that will have the largest impact on technology, innovation, and society over the coming decade.
Publication Date
Summer 2010
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