Future Proof Your Hack: Alternative Scenarios for Food

Future Proof Your Hack: Alternative Scenarios for Food
A Guide to Hacking the Food System
Technology is remaking the future of food, with innovation seeding disruption from production to distribution to eating. These new technologies are making change today, but how can we design them to make a more efficient, equitable, and resilient future for food?
IFTF's Global Food Outlook created Future Proof Your Hack: Alternative Scenarios for Food, a guide to help food system hackers, inventors, and doers design and prototype with the greatest future challenges in mind. Based on our future of food research, scenarios framework, and experience helping others visualize the future, this guide is a starting point for creating responses to the ever-changing global food web.
Created as part of the Future of Food Technology Hackathon + Forum (#FoodHackathon), use this guide at a food system hackathon, a local food security and health strategy session, or in the classroom.
Publication Date
November 2013
To learn more ...
- Learn about becoming a Future 50 Partner
- Contact Sean Ness | 650-233-9517 | sness@iftf.org