Future Now
The IFTF Blog
Explore the Currency of Caring with Ruby's Bequest
What's the most valuable way that you care? How do we get the best return on investment for taking good care of our people? Hundreds of people are answering these question at Ruby's Bequest.
Pictured above is a caring coin left by Maddie, Deepwell resident and point person for questions from out-of-towners. Each coin is uniquely numbered—this coin is number 1430. You can track how other people with this coin answered this question and add your own thoughts, too. Go to Ruby's Bequest and click on the coin image. Enter 1430 and answer the question from your perspective today or even how you imagine it will be in 2015. Pass this coin number on to others and Tell It to Someone Who Cares! To take part in this larger conversation on the future of caring and caregiving, "Become a Friend of Deepwell" and tell a story! This will allow you to tell a story of caring and give advice to the people of Deepwell by email ([email protected]) or phone (1-888-64-RUBYS). Starting March 16th, you can read the first stories submitted and tell a story of your own—text, photo, video, link to news article or phone. On March 16, IFTF will launch the fourth in a series of ground-breaking open collaborative research platforms—Ruby's Bequest—and we know your company will gain value from participating. Many of you are beginning to realize the value of storytelling and crowdsourcing in your work, so we wanted to connect you with the tools to engage with these themes. Check out 10 Ways Ruby's Bequest Can Add Value to Your Organization. Hope you'll join us!
Please feel free to contact Rachel Lyle for details at [email protected].