Future Now
The IFTF Blog
Environment: Terroirisme
"Terroirisme is a French word. It is used most commonly to refer to the "native tang" of a wine--the unique taste that derives from the soil of a particular region, such as the Bourgogne. This tie to the soil is both symbolic and real, the source of a wine regions identity, profit, and politics
The term is used here to capture the intersection of several trends, the most important of which is the growing politicization of water. This politicization is the result of dwindling water supplies, the privatization of water services, the growth of a movement called biogregionalism, and more broadly, the growth of green politics. The watershed is the physical intersection of these trends. And our premise is that watersheds will increasingly become the ground--or terroir--of political re-organization to control the world's water supplies.