Future Now
The IFTF Blog
Today I measured the number of minutes I jogged, how many glasses of water, tea & coffee I drank, and the number of hours of sleep on which I am...
Studies of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) are taking off, with the recent addition of a study to be published in Neuroimaging today. Will...
Today's New Scientist features a write-up on a new research tool for studying human social interaction, a...
So far, most discussion stimulated by the Institute for the Future's Future of California research map and California Dreaming contest have focused on...
An interesting story in the Los Angeles Times highlights the different ways that insurance companies have begun to monitor social networking cites in...
The second decade of the new millennium will be about finding our footing to survive and thrive in an increasingly uncertain and volatile world. As we...
<object width="400" height="300" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/3oeada-ng8Y?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"><param name="data"...
Programming has long conjured images of computer engineers toiling away in solitude, but that is quickly changing—if you follow our thinking, you too...
It's hard to find just one or two things to excerpt from Jessica Leeder's great investigation into the large amount of global crime that has grown up...
Anjna Patient Education from IFTF on Vimeo.
I've long thought that the key to being a good cook is the ability to make terrible tasting but healthy food palatable. I mean, anyone can make a...
zedAlert from IFTF on Vimeo.Here is another of the winning presentations from the BodyShock the Future contest for ideas to improve global health that...
One key strategy for making feedback more persuasive is to use real-time, contextually appropriate feedback. In other words, don't tell me that, in...
<object width="350" height="214" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/pTBh4Le5nwo?fs=1&hl=en_US&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999"...
In just under a week, on January 12, leaders in the areas of fitness, science, health care, game design, video games, and education will converge to...
Recovery Project from IFTF on Vimeo.Here is another of the winning presentations from the BodyShock the Future contest for ideas to improve global...
An interesting blog post in the Wall Street Journal a couple weeks ago highlighted a startup company called MedNetworks that, among other things,...
Mercury News columnist Chris O'Brien published a column this week about the power of the Internet and its potential to erode the power of nations and...